Dr. Jose O
Dr. Sankar V H
Dr. Mary James
Dr. Mohandas Nair
Dr. Priya Sreenivasan
Dr. Bindusha
Dr. Sathyajith
Dr. Bindu Athoor
65. Heat Related Illness in Children
64. Aerosol Therapy in Children
63. Common graphical representations in research
62. Flexible Airway Endoscopy In Children
61. Radio nucleotide tests in Pediatrics
60. Development evaluation tests
59. Newborn screening programs
58. Intravenous immunoglobulin – IVIG infusion
57. Genetic Counselling
55. Renal replacement therapy in children
54. Biomedical Waste Management Guidelines
53 . Transport of a Newborn

Dr. Jose O
Dr. Sankar V H
Dr. Mary James
Dr. Mohandas Nair
Dr. Priya Sreenivasan
Dr. Prameela Joji
Dr. Sathyajith
Dr. Suresh Kumar K E
52 . ECMO
51 . Monogenic Diabetes
50 . Recent Advances in the Treatment of ITP
49 . Ultrasonography In Paediatrics-Part II
48 . Ultrasonography In Paediatrics – Basics
47 . Recent Advances in Vaccinology
46 .Human Breast Milk Bank
45 .Cystic Renal Disease
44 .Sleep Hygiene
43 .National programmes related to Child health
42 . Adverse Events Following Immunizations
41 . Ketogenic Diet
40. Cystic fibrosis -Recent advances in diagnosis & management
39 . Newer Anticonvulsants
38 . Anti Microbial Resitsance
37. IYCF What is age appropriate
36. Surgical management of Cyanotic Congenital heart disease
35. Surgical Management of Acyanotic Congenital Heart disease
34. Allergen Immunotherapy
33. Recent advances in Management of Spinal Muscular Atrophy
32. Clinical Approach to a Child with Neuro Regression
31. Randomized Controlled Trial
30. Tandem Mass Spectrometry
29. Dengue Vaccine
28. Non-Pharmacological Management of Pain
27. Chest Physiotherapy In Neonates and Infants
26. Microarray & Next generation sequencing
25. Laboratory investigations in Muscle Disorders
24. Oxygenation index & Assessment of Oxygenation
23. DEXA & Bisphosphonates
22. Newer Antibiotics
21. Effect of electronic media in children
20. Amplitude Integrated EEG
19. Newer Insulins
18. Anti NMDA receptor encephalitis
17. Monoclonal Antibodies
16. Fetal echocardiography
15. Liver Transplantation in Children
14. HFOV
13. Topical Corticosteriods In Children
12. Lung protective ventilation strategies
11. Neuroprotective strategies in HIE
10. Family life education
9. Anion Gap
8. Umbilical cord blood banking
7. Iron Overload & Iron Chelation therapy
6. Professionalism in Practice
5. Evidence Based Medicine
4. National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) 2022
3. End of Life Care
2. Street Children
1. Epigenetics